Though the tug of travel will pull me forth once again, I have been enjoying the gentle gravity of my country squire life at Lynnhurst. Never does it feel so good to sit still after one has been moving, and moving, for weeks on end. After several days of falling asleep by 8pm, I have finally returned to a feeling of normalcy. And despite a week of Indian Summer, with its hot, humid weather, fall is finally upon us, as I write this brief conclusion to the MTBBB blog. Within this world of trees and leaves and lawns, of bountiful dinners, of wonderful walks through the woods, of my lovely wife and our yet unborn daughter, there is peace for me and mine.
So until next time...
It's been a fun trip, PJ! Thanks for taking us along for the ride. (PS I removed my first attempt due to a typo.)
Hello fellow travel buddy! It was great spending my days trapped in a little bus/boat/van with you and I enjoyed reading your take on our crazy adventure.
Congrats on the upcoming little girl!
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