Saturday, September 8, 2007

Return to Moscow 9.9.07

Hi all,

As many of you have heard, I am heading back to Moscow where I will help deinstall the show I helped to install back in July. From Moscow, I'll be traveling back to Helsinki, then by ferry to Germany. From there, we'll be trucking across Europe...Down toward to Paris, then onto Bilbao.

Hence the name of this new travel blog: Moscow To Bilbao By Bus

This time around, I will devote attention to documenting European gas stations, truck stops, etc, along with general reporting about my whereabouts, experiences, etc.

So, here we go.


stereogab said...

Great Plums show @ Nutstock last Sat, PJ. Looking forward to traveling vicariously thru yr blogging!

PJB said...

hey thanks for coming out. good to hang with you guys...will try to maintain the blog quality! little harder on the second time around in moscow...will take some extra work to keep it interesting...later!